Petra van Zijverden
Former secretariat volunteer

Looking back at all the program booklets, I can confidently say that many wonderful moments have passed during my time with the Aalsmeer Flower Cup. I was actively involved in about ten editions, and through these years, I've built some truly beautiful friendships.

Some memories stand out vividly: registrations arriving by post and fax, sometimes late into the night, with meters of paper rolling into the office. All the entries had to be carefully processed for the next team of volunteers to create competition cards and program booklets. During the event weekend, it was a whirlwind of setting up, managing the competition, and tidying up afterward. But no matter how busy it was, the sense of accomplishment and camaraderie always made it worthwhile.

One detail I'll never forget was the beautiful display of trophies, always adorned with flowers. One year, we decided to use hyacinths—it looked stunning, but the strong fragrance near the judges' table was overwhelming! That experiment was a one-time thing. Although the Aalsmeer Flower Cup tradition is now coming to an end, new tournaments will undoubtedly rise in its place. Wishing everyone the best for the future—perhaps our paths will cross again someday!