
Flower Cup secretary

Ilse Sandifort Vergoossen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)6 5055 4654
E‑mail: [email protected]
IBAN: NL15 RABO 0300 1504 74

The Organizing Committee

The Aalsmeer Flower Cup is being organized by Stichting Aalsmeer Flower Cup. This organization is independent from any club, but originated from the former Aalsmeer clubs Olympia and TVA, which have merged (together with GVK) into SV Omnia 2000. The Stichting Aalsmeer Flower Cup consists of volunteers only. Before, during and after the competition, they are supported by many, many other volunteers. No Aalsmeer Flower Cup can be organized without them.

The competition is organized in co-operation with the KNGU (Royal Dutch Gymnastics Union).